Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Morning Random Thoughts 😏 about God and Love

 A blessed Tuesday to you all 😊

I hope you all remembered to say your prayers of thanksgiving to our Loving God πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ May your hearts be filled with lasting happiness and genuine love that this world could never provide πŸ™ May your every single second be filled with precious moments no money could buy πŸ™ May your days and nights overflow with immense gratitude and tons of inspiring thoughts to move you into serving God πŸ™ To God be all glory, praise, honor and worship forever and ever πŸ™ Alleluia πŸ™ Alleluia πŸ™ Alleluia πŸ™ Amen πŸ™

Enjoy God's provisions and blessings!😊 Thank God for waking you up 😊 Thank God for His tremendous love that you are experiencing every single second of your life 😏 Life is a gift 😊 A lifetime is a borrowed time to be what God created us to be 😏 to be as Holy as He is πŸ™ and to love as He does πŸ™ One would never understand the awesome beauty of this Life if you haven't learned how to selflessly give of your time 😊 efforts 😊 unconditional love 😊 and yourself 😊 GOD is L♥️VE πŸ™ Love in it's purest form 😊 ♥️πŸ™ 🌻 You would have missed the point of why we are all created by God 😊 if you never knew how to truly love to the point of being willing to die for the ones you love ♥️😏 For if most of us understood what it meant when we were told that πŸ‘‰ JESUS is the Way, the Truth and the Life ♥️😏 then, our J😊Y would be complete 😏 We lack nothing when we have GOD😏 and we couldn't help but proclaim πŸ‘‰ GOD IS ENOUGH FOR ME 😏 GOD IS EVERYTHING πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ GOD IS MY ALL πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ And thus, you could truly say, I LOVE YOU, JESUS πŸ™♥️😏 πŸ‘‰" To live is Christ ♥️ To die is gainπŸŒ»πŸ˜πŸ™♥️

God bless you all 😊

YHWH keep you all safe amen in Jesus name amen πŸ™

May Mama Mary intercede for us all πŸ™ May all the holy ones saints angels and archangels in the kingdom of God pray for us all πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Good morning!

Photo from a Facebook post

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Don't worry. God is with us!

      (Photo from Google)

I love my Dad,

As much as the rest of my beloved family

I wouldn't be strong if not for him 

who taught me at a very young age

Of three or four years old

How people who are as kind as we are

Be the totally opposite of the person

God created us all to be

For we are told that

God created us all

In His own image and likeness

And that makes us "good"

As God is! 

Who knows why some of us changed?

Circumstances, ... 

Injustices, ...

Cruelty of others who are themselves 

Victims of the evil that is in the world, ...

These evil poeple greatly hunger 

For money, fame and power ...

Dad told me that no matter what

Any evil done to you by anyone

Smile and quietly whisper a prayer to God

Saying, "Lord God, I know You saw that ..."

And just let them off the hook

Move on and believe that

God knows

Nothing can be hidden from Him

" You know... ?"

Daddy asked me, 

"Do you understand my child?"

I nodded and assured him that I have

      (Photo from Google)

At that time, I thought I fully understand

But after witnessing everything that has happened to him

To our family and to everything God blessed us with 

I realized that in this world, you can be fooled

Not all people who smile at you are good

There are those who pretend 

But are actually like lions or wild animals

Waiting to devour their naive prey

As we all continue to experience

And go through these heart wrenching

Mind torture, mind boggling scenarios

Captured by the clouts of God's enemies

Being trapped in one's most frightening reality

Amidst the chaotic situations 

Simultaneously happening all at once

With all the sufferings you encounter

Consumed by extreme exhaustion  

Every inch of your whole being

Swallowed by a seemingly endless black hole

Though shattered, you stood your ground

By God's grace you fought the battle

Those who witnessed were puzzled in disbelief

Your grip on reality they even questioned

Finally, your vision is all crystal clear

There was no one beside you

Not even those whom you thought

Loved you enough to die for you

The way you would sacrifice your all for them

I tell you

That's when you know

You hit rock bottom

You discover that

God is there. 

He is the surefire Rock at the bottom

God is all there is in the endless existence of us all

You can hold onto His steady, mighty hand

And He would make you so strong

That with God you're able to conquer anything ...

Standing firmly on the ROCK... on GOD. 

When nothing can solve such situations

You're left no choice 

but to leave everything 

Unto God's almighty hands

Life teaches you 

To completely entrust your all 

To the Almighty GOD, the Alpha and Omega

The Beginning and the End

The God who was, who is and who is to come ...

Our God is the One who holds our future

He's already there in the days ahead of us

Beautiful tomorrows

He has set for each one of us...

So, in one's darkest hours

You'd know that there'd be no one you can trust ... 

No one ... but the loving Creator, Himself

It's only God who can save you.

And you learn to say

The prayer of our Lord Jesus

"Father, not my will but Your will be done."

You say this not only because of complete obedience

But because you were given the grace by God the Father

You knew by God's grace how God loves each one of us

You are assured of the Heavenly Father's love for you

That if He allows the things happening to you

You will completely, willingly surrender unto His will

Knowing that God is true to His promises when He said,

            (Photo from Google)

" It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. " - Deuteronomy 31:8 ESV

            (Photo from Google)

" Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. " - Isaiah 41:10 ESV

It is in complete abandonment

To the limitless oceans of God's grace

That's when you fully experience

The amazing love of God embracing you

Experiencing every single second

The truth in all creation

In all existence 

And in all eternity

God is love in its purest form

So pure that when you had a grasp of even a little of it

You would rejoice in limitless, true happiness

Somehow in a way, 

His wisdom is understood

That it is a great delight to Him

Having shared with us, His beloved children

This infinite, overflowing

Tremendous amount of love that God is. 

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Outburst of Love

I was thinking of how I'm going to write✍️ my first post on this blog a few minutes ago... 
I thought to myself, ... What would be my introduction to the audience that God would send to read these overflowing streams of wonderful thoughts and feelings that I couldn't seem to keep within me? I couldn't help but express it all in words. 

Have you ever experienced an extreme feeling of happiness? 

You've never felt so happy😊 before as much as you are now that you feel like jumping! ... and πŸ’ƒdancing! ... and singing🎀 ! 

Singing joyful songs 🎡you could ever think of ... Singing 🎀to your heart's content... Singing 🎀out loudπŸ”Š to the point as if your lungs' are going to burst... 

Singing and dancingπŸ’ƒ all day long as if there are no more tomorrows... 

You go on and on... 

Until out of exhaustion, you suddenly stopped ... 

And gently let your tired body lie on your comfortable bed ... 

You looked up. 

Smile😊 and😏 say, "I'm so extremely happy😊!!! 

No one ever made me this happy ever before. Until I found 'you'! 

My life would never be the same again.

I couldn't imagine how I've managed to exist in this world before. 

I couldn't even figure out how I was able to live my life before I've come to know you. 

I've been missing a lot! 

Imagine those wasted years?!? 

Years that could have been full of wonderful moments that I would keep on cherishing every day and night. 

I almost would have missed out in life... Had i not found" you"!

FortunatelyπŸ€, I'm one of those who are blessedπŸ™ enough to discover that in this world, ... 

There's that special someone meant to love❤ you... to love❤ everything about😊 you... your good attributes, your magnetic personality, ... the fatal look of your gaze, ...that irresistible smile of yours ... 

Everything that'll make one go crazy enough to do irrational things just to please you and win your ❤heart. 

Yes! To that special someone, you are the most precious jewelπŸ’Ž in the world! 

Of course! That special someone loves you for all that you are. 

You are loved in spite of the imperfections that you have. 

No matter how many or countless flaws you, your family, your friends, acquaintance or detractors could find. You're assured that you are loved. 

Yes! You're a 100℅ correct✔

Indeed, I found my one true ❤Love❤

The love of my life

And now that I did, I'd never let go. 

I never would want to live life without "you"

I couldn't live without "you"

You're the air that I breathe
You're what keeps my heart❤ beating

You're the most beautiful reason why 
I always wanted to open my eyes 
and wake up every morning

You're what keeps me going on
The only reason why I get up from every fall

You're the reason why I never give up
You're what keeps me strongπŸ’ͺ and brave

That even if I face the most frightening monster there is in this universe🌌

Your love ❤for me would make me feel so secure that all fears 😨😱😨😱
ever existed in my whole being

Would disappear as if I never knew 
what it's like to be frightened

All because you are always there for me

And you love❤ me more than I deserve

You love❤ me more 
Than anyone I knew in my life

I would never want to lose you

If I lose you, 
it would be like an eternal death 
It would feel like dying every single second of my existence

No one is like you
No one loves me like you do

Even if I'd live a thousand years or more
I would never find anyone better than you

There's no other substitute for you

You're the one and only one for me

I would never find another one

No. You are my one great love❤
The one true love❤ I'm willing to live with
For the rest of my life... 
For the rest of all my existence... 
For the rest of eternity. 

There would always be... 
You in my mind ... in my heart❤, ... in my life
And in my soul
Forever and beyond all eternity


I love you❤

You're the only one for me. 

I would never want any other

I love only you

My Jesus

My Lord

My Savior

And my GOD.